
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Total government spending on Wages and Salaries

In dong some research for my upcoming book I found some interesting statistics about the total cost of government employees.

In 2010 the Province of Ontario spent $118 Billion. Of this amount $71.2 Billion went into the wages and salaries packet of provincial employees. This means that 60% of the total spending in the province of Ontariowas for wages and salaries. Does this include the benefits and pensions as well? I suspect not.

The province spent another $ 9.5 Billion or 8% of its money on debt service. This means that the operating budget on discretionary items in the province was $110 Billion. This moves the wages and salaries up to 65% of spending and then we can add in another $8 Billion in pensions this year. So it appears the government spending amount for the compensation package of it's employees is in excess of 70% of total spending.

I guess we know where Drummond has to look.

You can find this information here. Statscan Tables by Subject

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